Primary Offerings

No fees Charged by Jericho Alternatives

As a Distributor of Financial Products, Jericho Alternatives is obligated to not charge our clients any fees for investments made in primary offerings. Instead, we generate our revenue through commissions received directly from the manufacturers (E.g. Asset Managers).

Fees Charged by Manufacturers (Asset Managers)

Consequently, the only fees that an investor might incur would be those levied by the manufacturers. The types of fees charged can differ across various products, encompassing Management Fees, Performance/Incentive Fees, Hurdle Rates, among others. We strongly advise investors to familiarize themselves with the technical terminology of these fees before proceeding with any investments.

Secondary Offerings

We will impose a fee ranging between 1% and 2% on the Buyer and Seller of the product, calculated on the sale value of their investment. This fee varies depending on the nature of the product and the scale of the investment being mobilized. Our fees are among the lowest in the industry, strategically designed to minimize the financial leakage experienced in the alternative assets sector during secondary transactions. This approach not only enhances market liquidity but also supports a more efficient market environment.